As a Wisconsin native, I have a real appreciation for the beginning of spring. I grew up loving the flowers peeking through the snow, the first sighting of a robin, and the hints of warmer weather around the corner. I loved the birthing of lambs and calves, the hatching of chicks and prepping of fields for planting. Spring was a sign winter was winding down and brighter, warmer days were just around the corner.robin-snow

With my love of spring, I always thought that it would be more fitting to make New Year’s Resolutions the first day of spring – when we are full of hope and life rather than in the cold, dark days of winter! I think we have clearer heads and a true optimism of what is possible when we see life teeming around us…blooming flowers, budding trees and sunshine.
Spring is nature’s new start. It is a promise of new beginnings. New harvests. New opportunities. Spring is a time to renew the excitement and zest for life that lives inside each of us.
As we move into spring, use this time to stop and enjoy the beauty of nature and of life and all that it holds. I challenge each of you to use spring’s arrival as your cue to renew your life’s goals and bloom in your own way.