Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Creative Thinkers: 3 Ways to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas with Spreadsheets

“First comes the thought; then organization of that thought into ideas and plans;
then transformation of those plans into reality.
The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination”
~Napolean Hill

As entrepreneurs we are full of ideas! Our thoughts are often free-flowing and mind-blowing! Most of us also struggle with getting these ideas firmed out and completed.

If you are like me, you have several brilliant ideas in various forms of completion. You also then may suffer with the disappointment of not completing your idea or seeing someone else act on a similar idea first.

Here are three ways to use spreadsheets to keep your creative ideas on target and task.

  • Use spreadsheets to create and track your projects and "to do" lists
  • Use spreadsheets to delegate, collaborate and track projects
  • Use spreadsheets to prioritize your tasks

Photo credit flicker.com Photo by Glen Forde

What I have found to be useful is keeping a “Project List” or “Pending List” in spreadsheet form. I have found this list to be a great time and energy saver. I create a list in a spreadsheet. Simply list the project and then keep track of the various tasks that need to be done.

Make notes of dates, delegations and progress on each task or step if as it is broken down. This keeps notes and progress neatly in one place and easy for reference. Add specific tasks to your daily “To Do” list and then move on.

For example, if you want to create a newsletter for your team, you could quickly use the spreadsheet to organize your thoughts and the tasks involved. By outlining what needs to be done, you can break it up into smaller, daily tasks and have a completed newsletter ready to send within your deadline. By letting the idea fly around in your head, chances are your newsletter will never get sent.

Another advantage to a spreadsheet is the its ability to be shared with others who may be working on projects with you. A mastersheet can be created with various tabs for delegated actions.

Using the spreadsheet method also allows for prioritizing of tasks and ideas using the A, B, C, D method detailed by Steven Covey in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Tabs can be labeled with "Important & Urgent", "Important but not Urgent", "Urgent but not Important" and "Not Important and Not Urgent".  Assigning ideas and tasks to the tabs will help to focus and organize your creative ideas and tasks.

Spreadsheets with their multiple tabs can be a quick and easy way to organize your ideas and tasks.

Take the time to organize and prioritize your thoughts and work. Your success depends on it!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Spring Reflection: A Challenge to Renew Goals and Bloom!

Here we are wrapping up the first week of Spring. I thought it would be fitting to share my feelings on this time of year.

As a Wisconsin native, I have a real appreciation for the beginning of spring. I grew up loving the flowers peeking through the snow, the first sighting of a robin, and the hints of warmer weather around the corner. I loved the birthing of lambs and calves, the hatching of chicks and prepping of fields for planting. Spring was a sign winter was winding down and brighter, warmer days were just around the corner.robin-snow

Now to me, spring is still the time of rebirth, renewal and new beginnings. It is a time for “cleaning” and organizing. And, looking forward to summer vacation!

With my love of spring, I always thought that it would be more fitting to make New Year’s Resolutions the first day of spring – when we are full of hope and life rather than in the cold, dark days of winter! I think we have clearer heads and a true optimism of what is possible when we see life teeming around us…blooming flowers, budding trees and sunshine.

Spring is nature’s new start. It is a promise of new beginnings. New harvests. New opportunities. Spring is a time to renew the excitement and zest for life that lives inside each of us.

As we move into spring, use this time to stop and enjoy the beauty of nature and of life and all that it holds. I challenge each of you to use spring’s arrival as your cue to renew your life’s goals and bloom in your own way.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Vision Boards In the News

This week has already been a great week for positive online coverage of vision boards and their importance in goal setting and planning your future.  To make this coverage even better was the mention of The Vision Board book in one post and the second post being in Huffington Post, a mainstream online source.

Associate Editor Margarita Tartakovsky, Psychcentral.com, covered the aspect of visioning which many articles about vision boards neglect.  She also outlined the 5-Step formula author Joyce Schwarz presents in The Vision Board book.

For those who have attended my workshops or trainings, you may recognize the “mini board” exercise.  Visioning — getting in touch with your inner feeling or “heart’s desire” — is an important step in creating a successful vision board.  Paging through magazines quickly and pulling out the pages of images or headlines is a great way to get in touch with your deeper motivations in life.

Katy Hanley, Huffington Post
The second mention this week was by Kate Hanley, on the Huffington Post.  It was an excellent overview of why vision boards are important in seeing life goals versus just listing them with paper and pen.  I especially loved how she included having the physical presence of the board was important — don’t keep it online!

Hanley states “Putting together a vision board can crystallize the goals you’re already aware of and tease out the ones that are still in a formative state.”  I think she has summed up the visioning process of vision board making!

As a Certified Vision Board Coach, I am encouraged by the positive press and media coverage has been receiving over the past few years. Vision boards can be an important tool in achieving success in both life and business.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ready...Set...Focus - One Word for the year!

Are you ready for 2016? Like Santa are you making a list – a checking it twice? Is your list a list of resolutions?  Several years ago, I was introduced to the “One Word” concept. This has changed by thinking and my life over the past years.

The idea is developed in the book  One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page. The premise is to find one word to apply to the six core areas of your life.

These areas are:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Relational
  • Spiritual
  • Financial
The idea is that it is much easier to focus on one word versus a list of random resolutions for the areas.

In 2015, my word was “accountability.”  I think of myself as a responsible person but “accountability” kicked it up a notch! Applying the thought of “accountability” to all areas did keep my focus and also provided for continuity in moving forward – setting goals and so on.

Choosing your word may or may not be easy.  Your word may also choose you! Last year was challenging but this year my work came quickly after listening to the audible version of the book.  It takes about an hour to listen to the complete book!

Along with working on written statements for each area and my word, I also created a quick vision board reflecting my 2016 word — COURAGE.

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